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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to create detailed images of the body’s anatomy and physiological processes. MRI scanners utilise magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to produce these images, making them a valuable tool for diagnosing and monitoring various health conditions.

The technique works by detecting signals from hydrogen atoms in the body, which are abundant in water and fat. This allows MRI scans to map the distribution of these elements in the body. The process involves pulses of radio waves and magnetic fields to localise and generate images. By adjusting scanning parameters, different contrasts can be created to highlight various tissues.

MRI is a commonly used alternative to CT scans, offering diagnostic insights without the use of radiation. However, MRI scans may take longer and involve entering a confined space, which some patients find uncomfortable.

MRI services for Southeast Queensland

At Queensland Radiology Specialists, we are pleased to offer MRI services using the Siemens MAGNETOM Altea, designed to deliver high-quality diagnostic imaging and patient comfort.

Features of our MRI services include:

      • Efficient scan times for routine clinical examinations (10-15 minutes).
      • Noise reduction features for a more comfortable experience.
      • Wide-bore design to help reduce feelings of claustrophobia.
      • Bulk billing available for DVA Gold Card holders and WorkCover patients with approval.

Queensland Radiology Specialists is dedicated to providing reliable and patient-focused MRI services to support your healthcare needs.

Secure your same day appointment with Queensland Radiology Specialists by calling 1300 201 888 or filling out an enquiry form.

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