All referrals are accepted | Patient Portal | Bulk billing available for 90% of services.
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All referrals accepted | Patient Portal

For Patients

Patient Portal 

At Queensland Radiology Specialists, we understand that having your medical images taken is only one of the many important steps in managing your own Healthcare.

Patient Portal is the secure and convenient access to your Radiology images and results.

When you register for our secure online Patient Portal, you will experience:

      • Instant Access to all your examination images taken with us
      • Electronic access to your written reports after 7 days, giving you time to return to your Doctor for review
      • Ability to share your images and reports
      • The freedom to keep your examination history in one secure digital home – meaning one less thing to worry about
      • Web-based access anytime from anywhere on any suitable device. (eg: smart phone, computer or tablet)
      • An intuitive and user-friendly interface

How to sign up

      • Request access to our Patient Portal from any of our friendly reception staff who will print you a personal and secure access code
      • Wait for your registration confirmation email
      • Complete the registration, using the secure code we give you from reception
      • You will need to create a username and password


To return to Patient Portal


Our aim at Queensland Radiology Specialists is to provide the best quality scans and patient experience while keeping out of pocket patient costs low.

We perform almost all Medicare eligible scans with no out of pocket cost (bulk billed).  These include:

      • X-Rays – BULK BILLED
      • CT Scans – BULK BILLED (excluding some GP referred heart scans)
      • CT Guided Injections – BULK BILLED (excluding epidural)
      • Ultrasounds – BULK BILLED (MSK)
      • Ultrasounds – General Ultrasound Please contact your local practice for accurate pricing
      • Obstetrics (Pregnancy) : Please contact your local practice for accurate pricing
      • Ultrasound Guided Injections – Please contact your local practice for accurate pricing
      • Ultrasound Biopsies/FNA – Please contact your local practice for accurate pricing
      • Bone Mineral Density (BMD) – $99.20 – fee applys –  (rebatable pending on Medicare eligibility)

Unfortunately, there is no Medicare license on our MRI machine and so a small fee is charged at $300.00 per region plus $100.00 if any injections of contrast are needed.

Some body regions are more complex to scan than others and may attract a higher fee.

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Brain$300.00 +/- $100.00
Brain - pituitary$700.00 (incl contrast)
Brain - memory/Dementia/TLE$700.00 (incl contrast)
Brain - orbits$700.00 (incl contrast)
Brain - trigeminal nerves$700.00 (incl contrast)
Temporomandibular Joints$600.00 bilateral
Soft Tissue Neck$300.00 +/- $100.00


Cervical Spine$300.00 +/- $100.00
Thoracic Spine$300.00 +/- $100.00
Lumbar Spine$300.00 +/- $100.00 (+/- SIJs)
Pars Lumbar Spine$600.00 +/- $100.00
Sacrum/Coccyx$300.00 +/- $100.00
2 Region Spine$600.00 +/- $100.00
3 Region Spine$900.00 +/- $100.00
Brachial Plexus$600.00 - $800.00 +/- $100.00


Bony Pelvis$600.00 +/- $100.00
Small Bowel study/MRI enterography$800.00 (incl contrast)
Female Pelvis/Uterus$800.00 (incl contrast)
Prostate$800.00 (incl contrast)


Liver (with Primovist)$1050.00
Abdomen/MRCP$600.00 +/- $100.00
Kidneys/Adrenals$700.00 +/- $100.00


Shoulder$300.00 +/- $100.00
Elbow$300.00 +/- $100.00
Forearm$600.00 +/- $100.00
Wrist$300.00 +/- $100.00
Hand$300.00 +/- $100.00
Hand and Wrist$600.00 +/- $100.00
Foot and Ankle$600.00 +/- $100.00


Femur/Hamstring$600.00 - $800.00 +/- $100.00
Knee$300.00 +/- $100.00
Tibia/Fibula$600.00 +/- $100.00
Ankle$300.00 +/- $100.00
Foot$300.00 +/- $100.00


Breast Implant Study$600.00


All musculoskeletal ultrasounds are bulk billedOut of pocket fee for bilateral ultrasound when performed on same day (eg. both shoulders)

PREGNANCY ULTRASOUND - All pregnancy ultrasound scans under 16 weeks have a out of pocket fee.

Nuchal Translucency Scan (for Down Syndrome)Out of pocket fee of $283.25 applies. $66.75 Medicare rebate.
Morphology (17-22 weeks)Out of pocket fee of $254.65 applies. $95.35 Medicare rebate.


CT Calcium Score$200.00
CT Coronary Arteries (CTCA) Specialist ReferredPlease contact clinic for accurate pricing if applicable.
CT Coronary Arteries (CTCA) GP ReferredPlease contact clinic for accurate pricing if applicable.


Bone Mineral Density (BMD) (non Medicare eligible - please ring us to determine if you meet the Medicare criteria)$99.20 Rebatable if Medicare eligible


Body Composition$75.00
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